
Friday, January 3, 2014

Dr. Who and Dolls

Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a wonderful blessed holiday season! 

I wonder how many Dr. Who fans there are out there in the doll community?  We are Dr. Who fans here and our dollies are too.  I don't have any actual Dr. Who dolls, although I'd like to, but I do have a few Dr. Who related doll accessories.  I though it might be fun to combine them all into a Dr. Who and Dolls post.

Before all the busyness of the holiday season got into full swing, I was having fun sewing and made a few doll t-shirts.  I had some printer iron on transfers left over from another project, so I was able to print out some designs to transform these homemade t-shirts into Dr. Who shirts.

American Girl Kit's shirt sports Hello Kitty as the Doctor wearing a fez with the caption "Hello Doctor".  Kit likes to dress up and pretend to be Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper), the traveling companion of the 9th Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston and the 10th Doctor, played by David Tennant.

I love the quote from 11th Doctor, played by Matt Smith, from the episode titled "The Big Bang".  When River Song asks him what he has on his head, he replies "It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool."  Here's a clip from that episode.

Hearts For Hearts Girl, Lauryce, likes to pretend that she is River Song, since she says she has hair just like River's.  Her t-shirt has one of River's famous quotes, "Hello Sweetie!"

Ellowyne Wilde likes to dress up as Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan), the 11th Doctor's traveling companion, when she wears her red wig.  There is a picture of the TARDIS on her shirt.  For anyone not so familiar with Dr. Who yet, TARDIS stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space.  The TARDIS is the Doctors time machine and space ship all rolled into one.  It can transport the Doctor and his companions to any point in time and any place in the universe.  It is disguised as a Police Box on the outside and it is "bigger on the inside".

Mini American Girl Felicity also likes to pretend that she is Amy Pond and that the TARDIS takes them into the future and back to the 1700's, which she is from.

Felicity's TARDIS is actually a cookie jar that I found at Books A Million.

Another Dr. Who find from Books A Million was this Mini TARDIS building set.  The blocks and mini figures look like Lego, but the brand is actually Character Building.  Here is the box.

The girls couldn't wait to get started building their very own TARDIS, and the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond mini figures.  

 Kit loves the Doctor.

Now on to building the TARDIS.  The set has 53 pieces. 

All done and ready to play!

This is an adorable mini set and works great as a doll accessory.

The doors really open and close and the mini figures can fit inside.  The Doctor has a mini Sonic Screwdriver that fits in his hand.

With the doors open here, you can see that the TARDIS is "bigger on the inside".  :)

We found another fun bookstore called 2nd & Charles, that is a subsidiary of Books A Million. 

Inside we found a huge life size 3D TARDIS display.  So cute! 

My girls had fun hugging the Doctor and shaking his hand.

 I found a charm bracelet with a little red telephone booth at Claire's.  It reminded me of a TARDIS, so i decided to make a doll necklace with it.  I painted it with blue craft paint and sprayed it with sealer.  This is what the charm looked like before painting.

Here is Ellowyne modeling the new TARDIS necklace.  A true Whovian!

Lastly, Kit is back to show you her "Trust me, I'm the Doctor" pin with David Tennant as the 10th Doctor.  We found the pin at Hot Topic.  

I hope you enjoyed seeing our Dr. Who fan doll accessories.  It is so much fun to find cool doll accessories and props.  I'd love to hear about your finds too.  What do your dolls collect?


  1. What a fun post! Alice, my #25 American Girl doll, is drooling over the t-shirts (she's my Whovian). ;) She has the mini TARDIS set with Amy and the 11th Doctor, and she also has the David Tennant pin from Hot Topic.

    I love your idea for the doll necklace! I've been keeping my eye out for a mini TARDIS to use for Alice's necklace, but I didn't want to spend the $16 something they wanted for the little TARDIS necklace they were selling at Hot Topic! :} Maybe I'll have to check my Claire's, too. :)

    1. Thanks Beastbelle! If you're looking for a TARDIS necklace for Alice, definitely check out Claire's. The red telephone booth came on a charm bracelet that wasn't very expensive (maybe $5.99, I think). The braclet came with several London related charms, including a double decker bus and the Big Ben clock. Since I just used the phone box charm, I still have several other charms left over to use for something else. I wish it would have came with more than one phone box charm, but there was only one of each different charm on a bracelet. Let me know if you can't find one at your Claire's though. I'd be happy to pick one up here for you.

  2. Love it! I'm a big Doctor Who fan and I have a redheaded sister named Amy, so we especially liked Amy Pond. I'm definitely getting one of those cookie jars...

    1. Thanks Shannon! The cookie jar is cool. The top opens and closes on a hinge and it makes the TARDIS sound and the light glows when you close the lid. Everyone notices the cookie jar and they either comment on how cute it is, or they ask what it is. I have been surprised how many people don't know what Dr. Who is, but that doesn't stop them from noticing the cookie jar. It's turned out to be quite the conversation piece.

  3. Ahhhhh! :) I LOVE Doctor Who!!!!!!!!! My older brother has the cookie jar and my sister has a smaller Tardis (I think its' for the computer or something... I'm not sure)!!!! We all love Doctor Who in my family (except my mother). :( I really have to remeber to keep an eye out for Telephone Booth charms! Thanks for the Idea! So, which Doctor is your favorite? Mine is the 11th (then the 10th)!! <3 ;) --Octavia <3

    1. It's so hard to pick a favorite Doctor. When I started watching with the 9th Doctor, I really liked him and was so sad to see him go. But soon I loved the 10th Doctor. I thought he was the sweetest! Then along came the 11th Doctor and I loved his personality too. I think he is the funniest Doctor! He definitely makes me laugh! "Fezzes are cool!" :) heehee


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