
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Elegant Blogger Award

I have been awarded the Elegant Blogger Award.  Thank you so much to two of my favorite bloggers, Beastsbelle at Never Grow Up and Rhonda at Living A Doll's Life.  Both of these sweet bloggers nominated Once Upon A Doll Collection for this award.  Thank you both so much for this awesome honor.

The Questions

1.  Why did you start blogging?   I started blogging to connect with other people who are also interested in collecting dolls.  I don't know anyone locally to share the love and excitement of bargain hunting and doll collecting with, so starting this little blog seemed like a great way to make some doll collecting friends.

2.  What is your fashion style?  Casual.  Well, I do love to dress dolls up in lots of different styles.  My favorite style for dolls is historical style.  I just love dolls dressed in historical pioneer dresses.  But as for me, I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl.

3.  What is something your followers don't know about you?  I first started collecting dolls when my oldest daughter was very young, and she is 23 years old now. 

4.   What is one of your blogging goals?  One of my blogging goals is to post helpful information for other collectors.  My goal is to post about sales, great finds, or even reviews of the different dolls in my collection.  I love reading reviews of dolls and accessories, and I find reviews really helpful when I'm considering adding a doll to my collection.

5.  Where is your favorite place to shop?  Target, Thrift Stores, American Girl Place (I've only been to AGP once, but it was awesome!)

6.  What would your ideal amount of followers be?  I don't really have an ideal amount of followers.  I'm just starting out, and I am thankful for each and every one of those who have taken their time to follow.

7.  What are your talents?  Painting, crafting, playing piano

8.  Are you a leader or a follower?  I am willing to serve as a leader when needed, but most importantly I am a follower of Jesus Christ. 

9.  What is your favorite quote?  "Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C.S. Lewis

 And another favorite: "Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again". - C.S. Lewis
10.  Do you have a favorite book or book series?  The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis and the American Girl Historical book series. 

11.   Out of all the synonyms for elegant, which would you describe yourself with (smart, dressy, stylish, graceful, or fine)?  That's a tough one.  I've never really considered myself elegant, so I googled elegant and this is what I found:

elegant  adjective
pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
synonyms:stylish, graceful, tasteful, sophisticated, classic, chic, smart, fashionable,
modish, dashing, debonair, suave, urbane, cultivated, polished, cultured; refined
gracious, dignified, poised, beautiful, lovely, charming, artistic, aesthetic;

Out of that long list of synonyms, I would describe myself as gracious (which means courteous or kind) and artistic (which means creative). 

12.   What is your favorite flower?  Roses and Stargazer Lilies       

The Rules

  • When you receive the award, link back to and the blog that nominated you.
  • Display the award button in the post.
  • Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make your own questions).
  • Nominate 12 bloggers.
  • Notify them that they have been awarded.

My Nominations

Doll Diaries 
The Toy Box Philosopher
Confessions of A Doll Collector's Daughter
One Girl and Her Many Dolls
My Froggy Stuff
American Girl Doll Play
AG Fan Site
Karen Mom of Three's Craft Blog
Arts and Crafts for your American Girl Doll 
Little House of American Girl
Up to My Eyeballs in Dolls 
Doll It Up


  1. thank you so much for nominating my blog "Arts and Crafts for your American Girl Doll".

    1. You're welcome AGDollFan! I love your blog. Thanks for the great work you do!

  2. Thank you for nominating me too!

    1. You're welcome MCooper! I love your blog. It's an honor to nominate you for all the effort you have put into your blog!

  3. Thanks for the nomination! I am so flattered!

    1. You're welcome Andrea! I love your blog. You deserve an award for your awesome blog and for your creative custom boys!


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